Thursday, 26 November 2009

Everybody's too busy

I once heard it said "the devil trembles when we pray but laughs when we get too busy", or words to that effect. Just of late it seems everyone's too busy. I really do mean everyone I encounter.

Ecclesiastes 2:24
A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God,

The trouble is that for me, and it seems so many around me the balance has tipped into something that isn't satisfying. I found myself wishing for another few hours in this afternoon to try and get everything done. There can be no satisfaction because the job can never be done. There's always more being asked/demanded/required. Even those doing something with a definite end point seem under pressure to get there quicker.

There seems to be a climate of fear across so many organisations large and small. "We've all got to just do what it takes." That's what so many people seem to hear from their managers at all levels and behind it is the usually unsaid "you're lucky to have a job".

I am lucky to have a job, a good job and one that for the most part I enjoy. I spent yesterday doing some virtual Christmas shopping for radio, I get to record live bands and present a music programme... Brilliant. I dreamed of such things as a teenager, well maybe not the Christmas shopping...

But without time to be creative, to enjoy the work, to find satisfaction the greatest of jobs becomes a joyless struggle.

I'm not sure what the answer is, especially for someone with a fairly strong work ethic and a determination not to let colleagues down.

Maybe a national week of work to rule.

All ideas welcome.