Sitting in a coffee shop waiting for someone, who probably isn't going to turn up, I'm musing on what hasn't been a good couple of weeks.
So far, a few weeks into a previously mentioned new split job working arrangement and I don't seem to have more time available (although focus is much better).
There have been a few occasions recently when I only seem able to do the wrong thing.
And then today somebody stole my iPod. Although I do love gadgets I'm not overly materialistic... Easy come, easy go and all that. But this small act of theft came close to pushing me over the edge.
That's not a good place to find oneself.
But before you worry this is slipping to the worst of all blog entries, laced with self pity... My greatest concern is what my response should be.
Yesterday morning (Sunday 7th Feb) Matthew Porter's sermon in St Michael le Belfrey was about the response we should have to trying circumstances.
The message... More Praise.
So as I deal with some personal issues I praise that though they're significant to me, I still have a job, a roof over my head, food to eat and an iPhone on which to type this blog entry.
Out of my concerns, struggles, irritations and frustrations can come anger and bitterness or more praise.
One will be helpful, the other... won't.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone