Sunday 2 May 2010

The evangelical right

Just as 'evangelical' Christians and the republican party seem inextricably linked in the US, it seems prominent 'evangelicals' are now increasingly involved with the Conservative party.

Now I don't have a problem with people of faith being involved in politics, in fact I welcome it. We should have more. Those who argue someone's faith is a personal matter and has no place in public life, let alone in government, are missing the point of what it is to be a Christian.

The trouble is certain left wing personages are attacking these links with rich, 'evangelicals' who hold views that not all Christians share because they're able to buy influence. And I think this raises an important point.

The term 'evangelical' has become loaded. Whereas it might once have talked about a church that was lively, welcoming and outward facing, say it now and it usually means anti abortion, anti gay, anti single parent, pro creationist, etc.

For me the issue is not that there are people like Phillipa Stroud entering politics. (In Today's piece in The Observer she's somewhat demonised for her position on homosexuality. But notably somone the paper tracked down to comment said she was a positive person who wanted to help people.)

No, the problem here is the funding of politics that allows rich people with an interest, no matter what it may be, to buy a level of influence. If it isn't individuals, it's trade unions. Either way it's hard to ignore the opinion of someone who's writing cheques for £200k.

All that said, would we rather the likes of Mr Vardy buy influence over policies he feels will benefit society, or business leaders who want to benefit themselves, which has been the charge traditionally laid at Tory party benefactors.

Philippa Stroud has a history that understandably upsets gay people. But she does seem to genuinely be interested in helping others, whether you consider her misguided or not. Frankly it's people like that I want in politics. We can argue about the rest.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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