Wednesday 12 October 2011

The proper channels

If you want to achieve something, there's often two ways to do it. The proper way, or the way that will actually get results. Do you have procedures and processes that get in the way and other people have to work around?
Recently going through the proper channels meant I couldn't do some filming at my preferred location. I could have gone directly to someone I have a personal relationship with, but thought it worth trying the 'correct' route. It didn't work because the person I spoke to wasn't empowered to make the decision.

Aside from being slightly irritating it left me thinking about authority and how delegating responsibility also means delegating authority, yet so often this doesn't happen.

We delegate a task to someone, yet don't allow them to make decisions about how to do that. We expect them to come back with information so we can make a decision, yet somehow we think they're 'owning' the task. Then we complain when they don't show enough motivation or enthusiasm.

To do this right means giving up control, something that might be very hard. But it's necessary. Failing to do this means a decision bottleneck at best, but risks seriously demotivating and undermining staff.

Bring them in line with your thinking, help them to understand why certain decisions are taken, overrule them only in emergencies, accept that sometimes the decision won't be right but then discuss this and things will get better.

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