Monday, 17 January 2022

What's with hating the tories?

I was brought up by very left-wing parents. It was the 80s. I knew I was supposed to hate the tories because my parents did.

I think I understood some of it. I don't remember the miners strike in detail but I was aware of it. I remember school teachers being on strike but not really why. I knew Maggie was awful... certainly I didn't like the way she spoke, but of course I was a child... I didn't really get the politics.

As I got older I stayed pretty left-wing. No big tory voting rebellion here, though I did spend increasing amounts of time with people who undoubtedly did vote Conservative. They weren't awful people. They didn't seem to hate poor people. I didn't hate them.

Most people would consider me left-wing today, but I've moved to a place where I'm far more interested in what's the right strategy to make things better, rather than being driven by ideology. I don't care who owns the means of production - I just want the trains to run and be affordable and, if it isn't too much to ask, us not to scorch the earth.

But I do, now, in mid-life, hate the tories. This isn't a political or ideological inheritance from my parents. I hate this generation of tory politician on their own merits. The awful, libertarian vandalism. The ignorance and stupidity that somehow does nothing to dent the confidence with which stupid things are said and the UK's institutions are attacked.

Then there's the nastiness. I've heard it said about Priti Patel that her first instinct is to hurt someone. That seem a fair assessment.

I can't bring myself to mentioned the names of the others, or watch them on the news, or give a damn about their thoughts... because they'll just spew venom and lies.

They are hateful people. I do not wish them well.

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