Monday 24 December 2012

Why does Google hate email folders?

I get a lot of email and its the primary way I do a lot of business communication. I use folders in my attempts to organise it all and keep my in box clear. It should be noted I usually fail.

I use my nexus 7 a lot. It's great to have something small enough to fit in my coat pocket (just) but large enough to work with effectively.

I just wish android's email client did folders. Nested folders to be precise. My lovely, and not terribly complex folder tree is always displayed flat. Because I often have sub folders called "filed" this makes quickly filing emails impossible.

I can do what I want effortlessly with ios so often reach for my iphone to file an email.

This is stupid. It's one of the things I disliked about Android when it was first released and partly why I rejected my android phone in favour of an iphone.

To still have the same frustration a few years later, despite all the bells and whistles added to jelly bean, is truly frustrating.


  1. Hmmm it's marginally better at handling folders but still displays them really badly.

  2. I found a good way forward. Inomail displays nested folders properly

  3. I found a good way forward. Inomail displays nested folders properly
